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Wellbeing – Mood Complex

Mood Complex

Ever wondered why when you’re feeling sad you always end up reaching for the chocolate? It’s not just because it simply tastes delicious, it’s also because according to research there seems to be a link between comfort food and positive mood. To help you deal with the number of times you emotionally reach for Ben and Jerry’s, WeightWorld has created the Mood Complex as a natural supplement to help you stay balanced and on track with your long-term health goals.

  • Designed for overall mood and wellbeing
  • Includes 5HTP, Chamomile, Hops and Rhodiola
  • Ideal for emotional eaters
  • B vitamin complex for normal psychological function
  • For natural energy and motivation
  • 2 vegan capsules daily

By compromising of a powerful blend of carefully selected vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts, the Mood Complex is a friendly way to help give you the boost you’re looking for. This natural wellbeing enhancer contains a complex combination of ingredients that can all have benefits in aiding mood, making it ideal for yo-yo dieters and those looking for a long-term aid.

Mood and wellbeing

We all know how hard it is to stick to a diet and be healthy, especially when we’re trying to lose weight. Being consistent with your exercise and healthy eating plans sounds simple but there is always something that can come up. Be it a stressful day or an emotional event, even something small can have an impact on our mood and cause us to search for instant gratification and unhealthily binge eat. This results in a downward spiral, with many of us yo-yo dieting and giving up for periods of time where we then gain back everything we lost. This is why it is so important to maintain our mood and keep ourselves balanced so that we can take the steps to achieving our health goals. With the right mood we can be in the right frame of mind to shift those pounds and have the right motivation to exercise and look after ourselves properly.

Mood Complex

Everytime we go reaching for the comfort food, it may help to give our moods a temporary lift, but it can also give an addition to our weight which can be far more long lasting. After realising this link between emotion and food, WeightWorld wanted to create a natural supplement that could help to balance mood and aid emotional eaters. After extensive research into vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts, they created the Mood Complex as a natural dietary supplement that aims to help with mood. With just 2 easy to swallow capsules a day, the Mood Complex could help to maintain the right mood in order to help you stick to your health goals and act as a building block to long-term success.


Mood Complex is made up of a bespoke blend of ingredients that have each been chosen for their unique properties and benefits. The ingredients in this food supplement can be split into four categories for how they work to benefit mood and the body.


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