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Preconception is an important time, during which both prospective parents can prepare their bodies by ensuring good nutrition to assist fertility and conception. Once conception has occurred, then continuing with a high quality, nutrient dense diet and balanced lifestyle can support the health of both mother and baby.

Nutritional needs increase significantly during pregnancy to meet the demands of the growing baby and to allow for changes in your own body.

The government recommends supplementing with 400µg of folic acid for at least three months prior to conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy. The government also recommends supplementing with 10µg of vitamin D for three months preconception and during pregnancy.

We recommend that women take an all-round multivitamin and mineral along with omega-3 fatty acids during preconception, pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Omega 3 DHA

Omega 3 DHA

  • An ideal vegan source of the important omega-3 fatty acid DHA
  • Derived from plant marine algae, with each capsule providing 200mg of DHA
  • Ideal for vegetarians and vegans, or people who do not regularly eat oily fish


pregnancy multivitamin

  • Pregna-Plan is a comprehensive pregnancy multivitamin and mineral specifically formulated for use during all stages of pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • This formula is also ideal for preconception planning
  • Includes the current UK Government’s recommendations for folic acid and vitamin D, along with excellent levels of other vitamins and minerals

Omega 3 Vegan

Omega 3 Vegan

  • Due to global supply chain issues, I am afraid we will be out of stock of this product until late September
  • View product information for further details & alternative product recommendations
  • Omega 3 from Marine Algae – An ideal vegan source of the important Omega 3 essential fatty acids EPA and DHA


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