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Iron contributes to:

  • the formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin
  • the reduction of tiredness and fatigue

Iron contributes to normal:

  • cognitive function
  • cognitive development in children
  • energy-yielding metabolism
  • formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin
  • oxygen transport in the body
  • immune system function


Wholefood Iron

Wholefood Iron

  • This is a gentle non-constipating and bio-effective bound form of iron. Each capsule provides 5mg of iron
  • Iron has a wide range of roles including contributing to normal immune system function, cognitive function, cognitive development in children and energy-yielding metabolism
  • Cytoplan Wholefood Iron is made from a species of Brassica, a cruciferous vegetable similar to broccoli that has been hydroponically grown



Food State Iron, providing 10mg of iron per tablet, is presented to the body in a base of inactive Lactobacillus bulgaricus and thus is a gentle, non-constipating and well absorbed supplement. Wholefood vitamin C from Acerola cherry, and molybdenum are also included. Vitamin C increases iron absorption. Food State supplements provide nutrients in the same form as those found in food.



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