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Wholefood Calcium

Wholefood Calcium

Wholefood Calcium is an organic seaweed product, harvested off Ireland’s south-west coast. Wholefood Calcium carries Organic Trust Certification and contains no additives.

  • Each capsule yields 200mg of elemental organic calcium plus 14mg of magnesium
  • Increased amounts of calcium may be needed for women during pregnancy, lactation and post-menopause
  • Wholefood Calcium is an organic calcified seaweed with a porous and hydrolysed surface area because of years in the ocean. This helps it to be very soluble in the acid conditions of the stomach. Calcium carbonate, conversely is not soluble and there is concern that high doses may increase the risk of kidney stones and arterial calcification.


Calcium contributes to normal:

  • muscle function
  • neurotransmission
  • blood clotting
  • energy-yielding metabolism
  • digestive enzyme function


  • Calcium is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth
  • Calcium helps to reduce the loss of bone mineral in post-menopausal women. Low bone mineral density is a risk factor for osteoporotic bone fractures
  • Calcium is needed for normal growth and development of bone in children
  • Calcium has a role in the process of cell division and specialisation


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