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The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that produces semen. For men at any age it is worth considering looking at supplements which may help maintain overall wellbeing.

Amazon offer a wide range of available products to support this Male concern – Select our ‘Buy Here…‘ link to see the full range.


Additionally, consider the separate stand alone Amazon supplements below.
Saw Palmetto
  • A Men’s Health supplement helping with the symptoms from an enlarged Prostate Gland.
  • Saw palmetto is also used to prevent complications from prostate surgery and other prostate conditions.
  • Saw palmetto does not help shrink the Prostate Gland  but helps with the inner lining that puts pressure on the tubes that traverse urine
Pumpkin Seeds
  • Rich in Zinc which is considered an important mineral for prostate health.
  • Research has indicated that these seeds contain important compounds called phytosterols that may assist with reducing the prostate gland size.
  • Research has shown a handful of walnuts a day can very much slow serious prostate issues.


Always check with your doctor before you use a natural product. Some products may not mix well with drugs or other natural products.


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