Cheryl feel range

See the new ‘Feel’ range of supplements with their brand ambassador, singer CHERYL.

WeAreFeel is a health product subscription brand with a goal to redefine the supplements industry in the UK.

Along with the ‘Behind the Scenes’ video with CHERYL we have additional amazing savings through us not available on their web page directly.

SAVE 20% extra off an already discounted ‘Subscribe-and-Save’ subscription price for the ‘First’ box and 10% with create-your-own or pre-selected ‘Bundles’.


If you wish to have a great start in being healthy, monthly supplement subscriptions are a positive approach forward. Use them as part of your overall health plan aims.

This is particularly so using ‘Feel’s health line of supplements where the quality, science and value savings are presented for you to review.

A ‘no contract – cancel any time’ guarantee ensures you are also the one in control of your choices if for any reason your goals need to take a step back.




• Informative product details with accompanying video material to help represent the potential benefits to the viewer.

.• Supplements focused on treating everyday ailments.• Ethically sourced formula products made in the UK and presented in quality pleasing packaging.

• Vegan and Vegetarian Friendly – All 100% Natural

.• Great value across their product range that is not heavy on the pay packet.• Herbal remedies are viewed not just as a supplement, but more of a lifestyle choice.

Check out the rated items we feature HERE or view all their products HERE

Bonus Secret: We especially like their genuine 10 Day FREE no obligation natural ‘Cleansing Detox’ which can be found HERE.

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Learn more about our ‘Featured’ Health, Wellbeing and Home gym items today!

For August we have compiled a special list of ‘Featured’ products for twenty of our associates which we think maybe of interest.

Simply select an associate’s logo to see their top items on offer.

If you see anything you really like, select the ‘Show me more…’ button and we will redirect you straight to the relevant web page for further information.

Learn more HERE and happy viewing!

Pre-made Gummies

Fed up with taking loads of Vitamin or Supplement tablets a day?

What if just one would be enough?

Create a personalised Adult or Kids Vitamin that is tailored for you or your child’s lifestyle.

Try these 3D printed ‘Gummies’, voted the UK’s highest rated vitamin and packed full of high impact, scientifically backed minerals and nutrients.

Simply complete the Adult or Child ‘Quiz’ to find a recommended set of respective 7 or 11 unique nutrients that will be combined into a personalised ‘Gummy’ Vitamin.

Alternatively, choose from a perfect selection of high impact pre-designed Vitamin Gummies ‘ready- to- go’.

Learn more HERE

Men's Health

Shhh! Don’t talk about Men’s Health !

When it comes to Men’s health with any form of concerning issue, the “I’ll look at that tomorrow…” approach seems a common mentality.

Our response – Why not do something about it today?

Look for answers or seek professional medical help with more serious symptoms.

With lesser worries, hopefully our specialist associates at for supplement ideas will make product choice and comparisons much easier for your personal needs.

Discover Men’s health HERE…

Home Fitness Equipment

Looking to buy Home fitness gym equipment this summer?

Still looking to start your Home fitness workouts this year?

Review our associates wide range of available exercise equipment for your Physical health needs.

Choose from familiar ‘classic’ line exercise equipment right through to the latest interactive connected gym equipment technologies including an over 60″ tall reflective training display for matching your remote trainers form!

It is only now that stock is starting to appear again for availability so now could be the perfect time to start looking again for your perfect home workout equipment.


Find out more HERE

Vitamins Multi Tablet

Looking for top Vitamins or Minerals?

Aid your body’s essential needs…

Vitamins are in ready supply within the healthy food groups but with modern living lifestyles it is all too easy to become deficient in certain categories.

Review our associates Minerals, Vitamins or Multi-Vitamins as a supplement means to balance out or improve upon your body’s current levels.

Find out more HERE

Rhubarb Complex Post

Mini 10 Day Detox Cleansing Offering

Genuine, Totally FREE Mini 10 day Detox Cleansing trial.

That is, while Stocks last and Only ONE per household. We have via our associates a great no strings attached FREE trial of this award-winning food supplement providing you with a whole 10 days’ supply to try.

The ingredients typically are used to;

  • Increase energy
  • Reduce bloating
  • Manage weight Loss
  • Improve sleep
  • Combat yeast infections
  • Improve complexion
  • Regulate bowel movements
  • IBS Relief
Inner Body organs

How is your Inner Body Health today?

A recently added category to our site provisions for a selection of dedicated products with our associates, targeting specific body organs where there maybe deficiencies or issues of concern.

Always consult with your health professional issues but these choice product ideas may be just what you are looking for to look after your Inner Body Health.

Supported body organs are; the Brain, Digestion, Eyes, Heart, Joints, Kidneys, Liver and Lungs

Learn more HERE

Joii Pet Care

Looking for an Easy Pet Health Symptom Checker and Online Access to Veterinary Services 24/7?

Expanding on our ‘Pet Health’ support for your loved pets, we can now offer access to online ‘Pet Care and Vet services’ via an exciting new Downloadable App.

This Apple and Android compatible App gives you access to Pet Care 24/7, 365 days a year from the comfort of your own home.

By downloading the App, you will receive

:• Vet consults for just £24, 24/7

• Free nurse health clinics• A free pet symptom checker

• Specialist consults including behaviour, dermatology, arthritis and more.

Find out more HereJoii Pet Care

Welcome Post to

Welcome to YourNaturalHealth.UK

Welcome to YourNaturalHealth.UK, our new venture ‘Health, Fitness and Wellness’ web site and Facebook page (Please ‘Like’ us there too!)

Your Natural Health UK aims to provide a wide range of exciting health related products with associate linked companies to support the entire family circle, including our beloved pets.

We hope you like the layout which is in a friendly ‘Picture’ format for much of the content and now supports nearly twenty amazing health related associate companies which we are continuing in growing.

Drill down through our ‘Prime Health’ categories for a wealth of subject focused content and products offering great choices for you, your family and pets. Alternatively, see our ‘Feature interest’ section covering topical related product ideas from our prominent associates.

Once you have navigated to a topic of interest in mind, you will be presented with other associate companies offering that same product type. After reviewing one of our chosen associates for their product details and pricing, compare with other associates by simply using the back button in your browser and choose another.

Anyway, thank you for interest in visiting our new Website